Co-Active® Coaching Model
An impactful form of personal development
How does Co-Active® Coaching work?
Self-awareness opens up your own unique operating system. Knowing and discovering what you truly want is in itself fulfilling. The Co-Active® Coaching method uses communication and action to reach fulfillment, balance and presence.
Each part of the word “Co-Active” represents an important piece of the coaching process.
- The “Co” in Co-Active® represents your need for connection and collaboration. You’ll work on communication skills that range from listening to nurturing, and, as a result, you’ll make momentous changes in the way you live and interact. You need both communication and action.
- Action is what you’ll get in the “Active” part of Co-Active®. There can be no change without taking action.
Co-Active® Coaching will provide you with clarity, conviction, direction and action that you need to achieve your goals. Yet, it is more than just solutions. It is about evoking a shift in perspective, getting things done and what you will learn during the process. It’s about taking the action forward and deepening the learning.
“Co-Active coaching takes you fully in the river of one’s life and wet rather than sitting on the bank and talking about it.” – CTI resource
The Co-Active® coaching model basis
You're Naturally Creative, Resourceful, Whole
You don’t need to be fixed, because you are not broken. You have all the answers you need within you. Your Co-Active® coach will help you find and act on those answers.
Dance in This Moment
Both you and your coach will embrace where you are now as you begin to move towards your desired life vision. Everything you’re experiencing in this moment is an opportunity for learning and movement.
Evoke Transformation
Your coach will work to call you forth to the life of fulfillment and balance you want rather than telling you what to do and how to do it. This unbiased approach allows you to build a relationship with your coach that is about you getting the results you want.
Focus on the Whole Person
Everything is connected: home, family, work, relationships, etc. But because we’re human beings, packaging those different aspects of our lives into neat little boxes isn’t easy. The Co-Active® Coaching model works by integrating every facet of you as a whole person connecting all the pieces of the puzzle.
The 3 Co-Active® coaching principles
What do you truly want for your life? Everyone has their own unique and intensely personal vision of how they will find their fulfillment. And that Fulfillment is available to you today, by learning how to find harmony with what you value most.
Balance means working from a place where you have the power of choice. Balance coaching determines how you are perceiving the roadblocks that are challenging you. Together, you consider other possible perspectives. As a result, you have access to unexplored — and possibly better — choices.
Process is about living fully present in the moment, an action you must take to move forward. When you need it, your coach will be there to hold space for you, where you are, helping you grow through your own process until you reach the other side.
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