My Story

A Consultant, Trainer and Coach since 2006, Patrice works with managers and their teams in transformational projects which integrate all dimensions of an organization: individual (coaching & training), the team (team coaching/ team building and training) and the whole organization (O.D).

Before that, Patrice was a Senior Executive in the corporate world, with a strong experience in Sales and Marketing, as well as International Program Management and Director of Operations for multinational organisations. In the early nineties, while working for the European Space Agency (ESA), Patrice was Mission Director for the EUROMIR programme, a manned space mission on-board the Russian MIR space station. In that role he coordinated the mission activities of the ground operations teams located in Russia, Germany, France and The Netherlands in support of the two European Astronauts flying on-board MIR.

Patrice co-created CTI France (The Coaches Training Institute,, a coaching training school, in 2006, and then FORSC in 2008. This is when he began to promote extensively throughout Europe the use of a Systemic approach developed by CRR Global (The Center for Right Relationship,, for whom he became one of their international trainers, for France and Europe.


View more Co-Leaders

Sue Aspinall
Tony Barton
Dori Ben-Chanoch
Donatella Canella
Ronnie Clifford
Anne Eggen-Johansen
Konstantina Kanaroglou
Rania Labaki
Carmen Lence
Mark Leruste
Karen Makkes van der Deijl
Emi Nevaro
Yves-Pascal Pelcener
Marlene Philippou
Clemente Pinedo
Borja Raventos
Martin Richards
Barış Toy
Anat Treister-Goren
Frank Uit de Weerd
Tolis Volonasis
Naomi Ward
Gülsün Zeytinoglu

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