School Bulletin: What in life takes courage?

What in life takes courage? These spring to mind.

Being a parent.

Being married.

Being single.

Speaking out.

Being wrong.

Admitting you’re wrong.

Having a conversation you want to run a mile from.

Being seen.

Being yourself.


Taking a risk.

Asking for what you need.

Caring for someone you love.

Doing something you love.

Creating a vision.

Creating your life.

So living courageously is a challenging and fulfilling business. On the other side of courage is growth, connection, movement, service and authenticity.

What connects all of these courageous exploits is leadership. Think about it. Everything on this list is leadership. Leadership of yourself and of your choices.

Leadership requires you to dig deep into the inner resources that keep you grounded.

Having a clear sense of purpose, a mission that matters, an unwavering commitment is a resource that will not let you down as you choose to lead your life.

Naomi Ward, coach and founder of Purposeful Leadership

You may be looking for learning that will inspire you during lockdown. If you’d like to hone your leadership skills during this time, join our experiential webinars that cover Active Listening, Feedback, Giving and ReceivingThe Coach approach and Relationships.

️ MEET Naomi Ward

Naomi Ward is a CTI trained, ICF accredited coach and facilitator working with educators, from new entrants to the profession, middle leaders and leadership teams.

In 2019 she founded Purposeful Leadership, which offers learning programmes for educators who are dedicated to finding and living their purpose, then learning to become coaches in order to bring the best out in others.

We’re excited to have partnered with Naomi and will be bringing Purposeful Leadership to Greece in 2021!

The Purposeful Leadership programme begins on January 20th 2021. It’s a six week programme in which you will discover your purpose and what it means to lead and create from there. It just might be life-changing.

Register now to be the first to know about enrolment for Purposeful Leadership,

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