What do we leave behind in 2018, what’s coming in 2019?

Our below article was featured in Epixeiro.gr, having asked the question:

What do we leave behind in 2018, what’s coming in 2019?

Leaving 2018 behind, we realize that, very often, we base our decisions, feelings and the way we think and act on assumptions. And these assumptions may lead us to harsh criticism against the people around us, and also to the speculation that we are always right. However, each one of us is part of a system, whether this system is called the workplace, family, or relationships.

Concept: Maybe we have to listen a little more to the other voices of this system. As much as we believe in our own truth, let’s accept that there is at least a 2% truth in the other people’s perspective.

In 2019, let’s hear the other “voices” of the system, not in order to answer or judge, but to find the truth that brings us closer together.

The antidote to clearing assumptions is daring to ask questions, without fear, in order to get out of the fallacy created by our own assumptions.

As long as we always do our best, at any given moment, we don’t always have to be right. It’s not about being right or wrong, but rather, it’s about agreeing to see and listen to the other person’s perspective.

Read the original article at Epixeiro.gr

Photo Credits Unsplash

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