What being a Leader in 2019 means

Our article below was featured in Epixeiro.gr, having asked the question:

What does being a Leader in 2019 mean?

A leader is able to give a clear vision and create the infrastructures and strategic plans that can help team members to fully align with the goal. At the same time, a leader does not assume that he/she knows everything. A leader is not afraid to ask questions and get feedback on what works and what doesn’t.  And finally, a leader is not afraid to make the necessary adjustments to achieve the best results. It’s important to note that most projects/ventures that fail have, as a core reason, a misconception of goals and planning.

A leader is empathetic, curious, open and understanding and leads his/her team with integrity and sincerity, giving each member an opportunity to grow. Great leaders are authentic.

In our complex, unclear and unstable world, a leader enters into multiple dimensions of leadership in order to co-create new ways of support and teamwork as needed. The Co-Active ® Model acts as a compass for multidimensional leadership capabilities.

Read the original article at Epixeiro.gr

Photo credits: Katemangostar / Freepik

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